Sunday, January 16, 2011

Muffin Mania!

Ack, I have WAY too many muffins. What is that, 29? :O Yep, I think so. I have a new record! Woohoo! These amazing muffins are low in fat, so all the dieters in the world can get their fill. I think I'll add more cocoa next time... And maybe add marshmallows or chocolate chips... I don't think these muffins will seem very "diet" like at all when I'm finished with these }:) The recipe said to put nuts in them, but I don't like nuts all too much, so SIONARA! Haha... Hope everyone tries some Mint Chocolate Silk. I just tried some earlier... That stuff is the stuff. Legit. Period. End of story. Run out and buy some. Now.I COMMAND YOU TO GET SOME MINT CHOCOLATE SILK!


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